(i) Myasthenia Gravis:- It is an autoimmune disorder in which the antibodies produced in the body start attacking its own body cells. The antibodies recognize the body cells as foreign material and start acting against it. In myasthenia gravis, the antibodies start attacking the acetylcholine receptors present on sarcolemma, due to which the neurotransmitter (i.e. acetyl choline) could not bind to its receptor and hence, could not initiate nerve transmission. The skeletal muscle in patients become weak and leads to paralysis.
(ii) Muscular Dystrophy:– It is described as a progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles. It is genetic disorder in which a protein dystrophin is not formed. Dystrophin is a large protein in the form of a rod that connects the thin actin filaments to sarcolemma. It adds strength to the muscle by providing scarffolding for the fibrils. Dystrophin is essential for contraction of the muscle. The protein helps to reinforce the sarcolemma and thus helps to transmit tension generated by sarcomeres to tendons.

disorder of muscular and skeletal system
DISORDER (cont..)
(iii) Tetany:- It is rapid spasm in muscle due to lesser Ca+2 in body fluid.
(iv) Arthritis:– It is a disorder in which inflammation of the joints occur. It is characterized by pain, swelling, redness and heat.
(v) Gout:– It is a type of arthritis where inflammation of joints occurs due to accumulation of uric acid crystals. Excessive formation of uric acid occurs in the body which gets deposited in the synovial joints as monosodium salt. In the patients of gout there is an error in the uric acid metabolism due to which over secretion of uric acid occurs.
(vi) Osteoporosis:– Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder where bone loses its minerals and fibres from its matrix. The lose of minerals and fibres from the matrix decreases the bone mass and causes osteoporosis. It is an age—related disorder which is caused due to many factors such as imbalance of hormones like calcitonin (produced by thyroid gland) and parathormone hormone (produced by parathyroid gland), deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, decrease of sex hormones such as estrogen etc. Individuals who are under prolonged treatment of cortisone, pain-relieving drugs etc are also prone to this disorder. As the bone mass decreases the bone bocomes more prone to fractures.

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(vii) The Rheumatoid Arthritis:- It is diagnosed by the presence of rheumatoid factor (a type of immunoglobulin Ig M). The primary symptom is inflammation of synovial membrane. If it left untreated, then the membrane thickens and synovial fluid increases, exerting pressure that causes pain. The membrane then starts secreting
abnormal granules, called pannus, which after accumulating on the surface of the cartilage, causes its erosion. As a result, the fibrous tissue are attached with the bones and become ossified, making the joints immovable heat treatment and physiotherapy pain and inflammation and in extream causes, replacement of the damaged joints is recommended.
(viii) Osteoarthritis:- It is a degenerative joint disease characterized by the degeneration of the articular cartilage and proliferation of new bones. Usually, affected joints are of spine, knees and hands.
(ix) Osteomalacia and Rickets:- Osteomalacia, called rickets when it occurs in childhood. In this disease disorder this bones contain insufficient amounts of calcium and phosphorous. The cause of kidney disease, vitamin D deficiency, and an inherited defect.

disorder of muscular and skeletal system
DISORDER (cont…)
(x) Dislocation:- A dislocation is a displacement of the articular surface of a joint: it usually involves a damage to the ligaments surrounding the joint. Most dislocation result from falls. Blows, or extreme exertion and aremost often seen in the joints of the thumb, fingers, knee or shoulder. Symptoms od dislocation include swelling, pain and loss of motion.
(xi) Sprain and Strains:- A sprain is a twisting of a joint without dislocating it. Such an injury causes gamage to ligaments and also often gamages tendons, muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Severe sprains are quite painful and require immobilization during the healing process.
In contrast to a sprain, a strain is a less severe stretching or twisting of a joit. Muscles and tendons may be stretched and become somewhat painful, but only minor damage is done to the tissues of the joint.

(xii) Fracture:- It is breakage of bone, either complete or incomplete
Types of fractures:-
(a) Simple fracture:- A fracture breaking the bones into two fully separate parts with little damage to surrounding tissues and no break in the overlaying skin.
(b) Green stick fracture:- A break of the bone in form of only a crack, with broken parts still holding together.
(c) Comminuted fracture:- In this fracture, the bone is broken into more than two fragments with some of the fragments losing any connection with blood circulation.
(d) Compound fracture:– the broken ends of the fractured bone protrude through skin.
Types of Bones:–
(i) Cartilaginous or replacing bones:- These bones develop from the pre-existing cartilage. These are also called endochondrial bone, e.g., humerus, femur.
(ii) Investing or dermal or membrane bone:- These bone develop in the dermis of the skin as thin plates and skin to get attached over original cartilages e.g., frontal, nasals, vomers, perientals of the skull.
(iii) Sesamoid bones:– These bones are formed in tendons at the joints e.g., patella (Knee cap).
(iv) Visceral bones:- These bones are formed in organs and dissociated from the rest of the skeleton. In the heart of some ungulates (ruminates) bones develop in the connective tissue of the cardiac skeleton as oscordis.

Osteoporosis Puzzle: Osteoporosis isn’t just about bones becoming weak; it’s a puzzle involving genetics, lifestyle, and hormonal factors. It’s like solving a mystery where every piece counts!
Muscle Memory Magic: Did you know muscles have memory? It’s not the kind that remembers your favorite song lyrics, but it’s why athletes can quickly regain muscle mass after a break from training.
The Towering Truth about Scoliosis: Scoliosis isn’t just about a curved spine; it’s also about the art of balance! People with scoliosis learn to balance their bodies like tightrope walkers, adjusting to their unique curvature.
Fibromyalgia Feat: Fibromyalgia isn’t just about pain; it’s like having a super-sensitive alarm system in your body. People with fibromyalgia experience amplified pain signals, turning everyday sensations into a rollercoaster ride of discomfort.
The Mighty Mitochondria Connection: Mitochondria are often called the powerhouse of the cell, but did you know they’re also essential for muscle function? Disorders like mitochondrial myopathy can weaken muscles because these powerhouses aren’t working at full capacity.
Arthritis Archery: Arthritis isn’t just about achy joints; it’s like archery where the body’s immune system mistakenly targets its own tissues. But with the right treatment, people with arthritis can still hit the bullseye in life!
Marathon of Muscles: Muscular dystrophy isn’t just about weakened muscles; it’s like running a marathon with hurdles along the way. Despite the challenges, those affected show incredible resilience, reminding us that strength comes in many forms.
Bone Bankruptcy: Osteoarthritis isn’t just about worn-out cartilage; it’s like a bank account running low on funds. With proper management, though, you can make strategic investments to keep those joints healthy and happy.
Rheumatoid Revelations: Rheumatoid arthritis isn’t just about joint inflammation; it’s like a mischievous guest overstaying their welcome at a party. But with the right treatment, you can kick out the unwanted guest and get back to enjoying the festivities of life!
Tendon Tango: Tendons aren’t just about connecting muscles to bones; they’re like the strings of a puppeteer, allowing us to move with grace and precision. But like any delicate dance, they require care and attention to prevent injuries.
Muscular dystrophy is primarily caused by genetic mutations that interfere with the production of proteins needed for healthy muscle function. In most cases, these mutations are inherited, but some forms can occur spontaneously.
Common symptoms of osteoporosis include bone fractures (especially in the hip, spine, and wrist), loss of height over time, back pain, and a stooped posture. However, osteoporosis often progresses without noticeable symptoms until a fracture occurs.
No, arthritis is an umbrella term for over 100 different types of joint diseases or joint-related conditions. The two most common types are osteoarthritis (caused by wear and tear on the joints over time) and rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder).
While there is no outright “cure” for scoliosis, treatment options such as bracing, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery, can help manage the condition and prevent it from worsening. The effectiveness of treatment depends on factors like the severity of the curvature and the age of the individual.
Lifestyle changes that may help manage fibromyalgia symptoms include regular exercise (such as low-impact activities like walking or swimming), stress management techniques (like mindfulness or relaxation exercises), maintaining a balanced diet, and getting enough quality sleep.
While diet can play a role in triggering gout attacks, the condition is primarily caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood, leading to the formation of urate crystals in the joints. Factors such as genetics, certain medications, and underlying health conditions can also contribute to gout.
While carpal tunnel syndrome cannot always be prevented, certain ergonomic practices can help reduce the risk. These include taking regular breaks from repetitive hand activities, maintaining proper wrist posture, using ergonomic tools and equipment, and performing wrist exercises.
Ankylosing spondylitis is more common in men than in women. It typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood and is characterized by inflammation of the spine and sacroiliac joints, leading to stiffness and pain.
The prognosis for Paget’s disease of bone varies depending on factors such as the extent of bone involvement, the presence of complications (such as fractures or nerve compression), and how well the condition responds to treatment. With appropriate management, many individuals with Paget’s disease can lead normal lives.
Treatment for Dupuytren’s contracture depends on the severity of symptoms. Mild cases may be managed with observation and hand exercises, while more severe cases may require treatments such as corticosteroid injections, needle aponeurotomy, or surgery to release the contracted tissue.