1. Which of the following statements is correct? [NEET 2019]
(1) Lichens are not good pollution indicators.
(2) Lichens do not grow in polluted area.
(3) Algal component of lichens is called mycobiont.
(4) Fungal component of lichens is called phycobiont.
2. Which of the following is incorrect about Cyanobacteria? [NEET 2020]
(1) They have chlorophyll A similar to green plants.
(2) They are photoautotrophs.
(3) They lack hetrocysts.
(4) They often from blooms in polluted water bodies.
3. Which of the following statements is correct? [NEET 2021]
(1) Some of the organism can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialized cells called sheath cells.
(2) Fusion of two cells is called Karyogamy.
(3) Fusion of protoplasms between two motile or non-motile gametes is called plasmogamy.
(4) Organisms that depend on living plants are called saprophytes.
4. Which of the following is correct about viroids? [NEET 2020]
(1) They have free RNA without protein coat.
(2) They have DNA protein coat.
(3) They have free DNA without protein coat.
(4) They have RNA with protein coat.
5. Which of the following statements about methanogens is not correct? [NEET 2019]
(1) They produce methane gas.
(2) They can be used to produce biogas.
(3) They are found in the rumen of cattle and their excreta.
(4) They grow aerobically and breakdown cellulose-rich food.
6. Which of the following statements is correct? [NEET 2019]
(1) Viroids lack a protein coat
(2) Viruses are obligate parasites.
(3) Infective constituent in viruses is the protein coat.
(4) Prions consist of abnormally folded proteins.
7. Match the organisms in column I with habitats in column II
Column I Column II
(a) Halophiles (i) Hot springs
(b) Thermoacidophiles (ii) Aquatic environment
(c) Methanogens (iii) Guts of ruminants
(d) Cyanobacteria (iv) Salty areas
Select the correct answer from the options given below
(1) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)
(2) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)
(3) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
8. Mad cow disease in cattle is caused by an organism which has [NEET 2019]
(1) Free DNA without protein coat
(2) Inert crystalline structure
(3) Abnormally folded protein
(4) Free RNA without protein coat.
9. Which one of the following statements is incorrect? [NEET 2019]
(1) Morels and truffles are edible delicacies.
(2) Claviceps is a source of many alkaloids and LSD.
(3) Conidia are produced exogenously and ascospores endogenously.
(4) Yeasts have filamentous bodies with long thread-like hyphae.
10. After karyogamy followed by meiosis, spores are produced exogenously in. [NEET 2018]
(1) Neurospora
(2) Altemaria
(3) Saccharomyces
(4) Agaricus
11. Oxygen is not produced during photosynthesis by [NEET 2018]
(1) Green sulphur bacteria
(2) Nostoc
(3) Chara
(4) Cycas
12. Match column-I Column-II [NEET 2019]
Column-I Column-II
(a) Saprophyte (I) Symbiotic association of fungi with plant roots
(b) Parasite (II) Decomposition of dead organic materials
(c) Lichens (iii) Living on living plants or animals
(d) Mycorrhiza (iv) Symbiotic association of algae and fungi
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(3) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
13. Which of the following organism are known as chief producers in the oceans. [NEET 2018]
(1) Dinoflagellates
(2) Diatoms
(3) Euglenoids
(4) Cyanobacteria
14. Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in [NEET 2018]
(1) Using flagella for locomotion
(2) Having a contractile vacuole for removing excess water
(3) Having two types of nuclei
((4) Using pseudopodia for capturing prey
15. Which one of the following is wrong for fungi? [NEET 2016]
(1) They are eukaryotic
(2) All Fungi possesss a purely cellulosic cell wall
(3) They are heterotrophic
(4) They are both unicellullar and multicellular.
16. Which among the following are the smallest living cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic to plants as well as animals and can survive without oxygen. [NEET 2017]
(1) Bacillus (2) Pseudomonas
(3) Mycoplasma (4) Nostoc
17. Select the wrong statement. [NEET 2016]
(1) The walls of diatoms are easily destructible.
(2) ‘Diatomaceous earth’ is formed by the cell walls of diatoms.
(3) Diatoms are chief producers in the oceans.
(4) Diatoms are microscopic and float passively in water.
18. Methanogens belong to [NEET 2016]
(1) Eubacteria (2) Archaebacteria
(3) Dinoflagelletes (4) Slime moulds.
19. Viroids differ from viruses in having [NEET 2017]
(1) DNA molecules with protein coat
(2) DNA molecules without protein coat
(3) RNA molecules with protein coat
(4) RNA molecules without protein coat.
20. Select the wrong statement: [NEET 2018]
(1) Cell wall is present in members of Fungi and Plantae.
(2) Mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes
(3) Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell in all kingdom except Monera
(4) Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding structure in Sporozoans
21. Which of the following arefound in extreme saline conditions? [NEET 2017]
(1) Archaebacteria (2) Eubacteria
(3) Cyanobacteria (4) Mycobacteria
22. One of the major components of cell wall of most fungi is [NEET 2016]
(1) Hemicellulose (2) Chitin
(3) Peptidoglycan (4) Cellulose
23. Which one of the following statement is wrong for viroids? [NEET 2016]
(1) Their RNA is of high molecular weight
(2) They lack a protein coat
(3) They smaller than viruses
(4) They cause infections
24. Select the wrong statement [NEET 2016]
(1) Bacterial cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan
(2) Pili and fimbriae are mainly involved in motility of bacterial cells
(3) Cyanobacterial lack flagellated cells
(4) Mycoplasma is a wall-less microorganism
25. The primitive prokaryotes responsible for the production of biogas from the dung of ruminant animals, includes the [NEET 2016]
(1) Eubacteria
(2) Halophiles
(3) Thermoacidopholes
(4) Methanogens
26. Chrysophytes, Euglenoids,Dinoflagellates and Slime moulds are included in the kingdom [NEET 2016]
(1) Animalia
(2) Monera
(3) Protista
(4) Fungi
27. Which one of the following statement is wrong [NEET 2016]
(1) Phycomycetes are also called algal fungi
(2) Cyanobacteria are also called blue-green algae
(3) Golden algae are also called desmids
(4) Eubacteria are also called false bacteria
28. Pigment-containing membranous extensions in some cyanobacteria are [NEET 2013]
(1) Basal bodies (2) Pneumatophores
(3) Chromatophores (4) Heterocysts
29. Pick the wrong statement
(1) Nuclear membrane is present in Monera
(2) Cell wall is absent in Animalia
(3) Protista have photosynthetic and hetertrophic modes of nutrition
(4) Some fungi are edible
30. In which group of organisms the cell walls from two thin overlapping shells which fit together?
(1) Slime moulds (2) Chrysophytes
(3) Euglenoids (4) Dinoflagellates
31. Choose the wrong statement
(1) Mosaic disease in tobacco and AIDS in human being are caused by viruses.
(2) The viroids were discovered by D.l lvanowski
(3) W.M Stanley showed that viruses could be crystallized.
(4) The term Contagium vivum fluidum was coined by M.W Beijerinek
32. The imperfect fungi which are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling belong to
(1) Ascomycetes (2) Deuteromycetes
(3) Basidiomycetes (4) Phycomycetes
33. The cyanobacteria are also referred to as
(1) Slime moulds (2) Blue green algae
(3) Protists (4) Golden algae
34. The motile bacteria are able to move by:
(1) Fimbriae (2) Flagella
(3) Cilia (4) Pili
35. Which statement is wrong for viruses?
(1) They have ability to synthesize nucleic acids and proteins
(2) Antibodies have no effect on them
(3) All are parasites
(4) All of them have helical symmetry
36. The guts of cow and buffalo possess
(1) Cyanobacteria
(2) Fucus spp.
(3) Chlorella spp.
(4) Methanogens
37. Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in
(1) Cell membrane structure
(2) Mode of nutrition
(3) Cell Shape
(4) Mode of reproduction
38. Viruses have
(1) DNA enclosed in a protein coat
(2) Prokaryotic nucleus
(3) Single chromosome
(4) Both DNA and RNA
39. Which of the following shows coiled RNA strand and capsomeres
(1) Polio virus (2) Tobacco mosaic virus
(3) Measles virus (4) Retrovirus
40. In the five kingdom classification, Chlamydomonas and Chlorella have been included in
(1) Protista (2) Algae
(3) Plantae (4) Monera
1. (2) 2. (3) 3.(3) 4. (1) 5. (4) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (4)
11. (1) 12. (4) 13. (2) 14. (3) 15. (2) 16. (3) 17. (1) 18. (2) 19. (4) 20. (4)
21. (1) 22. (2) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (4) 26. (3) 27. (4) 28. (3) 29. (1) 30. (2)
31. (2) 32. (2) 33. (2) 34. (2) 35. (4) 36. (4) 37. (1) 38. (1) 39. (2) 40. (1)

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