1.The biosynthesis of ribosomal RNA occurs in:- [NEET 2020]
(3) Golgi apparatus (4) Microbodies
2. Which is the important site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids in eukaryotic cells? [NEET 2020]
(1) Peroxisomes (2) Golgi bodies
(3) Polysomes (4) Endoplasmic reticulum
3. The size of Pleuropneuminia-like organism (PPLO) is [NEET 2020]
(1) 0.1 mm (2) 0.02 mm
(3) 1-2 mm (4) 10-20 mm
4. Match List-I with List- II
(a) Cristae (i) Primary constriction in chromosome
(b) Thylakoids (ii) Disc- shaped sacs in golgi apparatus
(c) Centromere (iii) Infoldings in mitochondria
(d) Cisternae (iv) Flattened membranous sacs in stroma of plastids
Choose the correct answer from the option given below:- [NEET 2021]
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
5. Match the following columns and select the correct option:- [NEET 2020]
(a) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (i) Protein synthesis
(b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum (ii) Lipid synthesis
(c) Golgi complex (iii) Glycosylation
(d) Centriole (iv) Spindle formation
(1) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
(2) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)
(3) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)
(4) (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
6. The organelles that are included in the endomembrane system are [NEET 2021]
(1) Golgi complex, Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria and lysosomes
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria, Ribosomes and lysosomes
(3) Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes and vacuoles
(4) Golgi complex, Mitochondria, Ribosomes and lysosomes
7. Match the column-I with column-II [NEET 2019]
Column-I Column-II
(a) Golgi apparatus (i) Synthesis of protein
(b) Lysosomes (ii) Trap waste and excretory products
(c) Vacuoles (iii) Formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids
(d) Ribosomes (iv) Digesting biomolecules
Choose the right match from options given below:-
(1) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)
(2) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
(3) (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
8. When the centromere is situated in the middle of two equal of chromosomes, the
chromosome is referred as:- [NEET 2021]
(1) Acrocentric (2) Metacentric
(3) Telocentric (4) Sub- metacentric
9. Inclusion bodies of blue- green, purple and green photosynthetic bacteria are [NEET 2020]
(1) Microtubules (2) Contractile vacuoles
(3) Gas vacuoles (4) Centrioles
10. Which of the following statements is not correct:- [NEET 2019]
(1) Lysosomes have numerous hydrolytic enzymes
(2) The hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes are active under acidic pH.
(3) lysosomes are membrane bound structures
(4) Lysosomes are formed by the process of packaging in the endoplasmic reticulum
11. Which of the following cell organelles is present in the
highest number in secretory cells? [NEET 2019]
(1) Lysosome (2) Mitochondria
(3) Golgi complex (4) Endoplasmic reticulum
12.Non-membranous nucleoplasmic structures in nucleus are
the site for active synthesis of [NEET 2019]
(1) tRNA (2) Protein synthesis
(3) mRNA (4) rRNA
13. The shorter and longer arms of a submetacentric chromosome are referred to as [NEET 2019]
(1) s-arm and l-arm respectively
(2) p-arm and q-arm respectively
(3) q-arm and p-arm respectively
(4) m-arm and n-arm respectively
14. Which among the following is not a prokaryote? [NEET 2018]
(1) Saccharomyces (2) MY cobacterium
(3) Oscillatoria (4) Nostoc
15. Many ribosomes may associate with a single mRNA to form multiple copies of a polypeptide simultaneously. Such strings of ribosomes are termed as [NEET 2018]
(1) Polysome (2) Polyhedral bodies
(3) Nucleosome (4) Plastidome
16. Which of the following pair of organelles does not contain DNA? [NEET 2019]
(1) Mitochondria and lysosomes
(2) Chloroplast and Vacuoles
(3) Lysosomes and Vacuoles
(4) Nuclear envelope and Mitochondria
17. The concept of “Omnis-e-cellula”regarding cell division was first proposed by [NEET 2019]
(1) Rudolf Virchow (2) Theodor Schwann
(3) Schleiden (4) Aristotle
18. Which of the following statements regarding mitochondria is incorrect? [NEET 2019]
(1) Outer membrane is permeable to monomers of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
(2) Enzymes of electron transport are embedded in outer membrane.
(3) Inner membrane is convoluted with infoldings.
(4) Mitochondrial matrix contains single circular DNA molecule and ribosomes.
19. Which of the following is true for nucleolus? [NEET 2018]
(1) Larger nucleoli are present in dividing cells
(2) It is a membrane-bound structure
(3) It is a site for active ribosomal RNA synthesis
(4) It takes part in spindle formation.
20. The golgi complex participates in [NEET 2018]
(1) Fatty acid breakdown
(2) Formation of secretory vesicles
(3) Activation of amino acid
(4) Respiration in bacteria
21. Water soluble pigments found in plant cell vacuoles are [NEET 2016]
(1) Anthocyanins (2) Xanthophylls
(3) Chlorophylls (4) Carotenoids
22. Mitochondria and chloroplast are
(a) Semi-autonomous organelles
(b) Formed by division of pre-existing organelles and they contain
DNA but lack protein synthesizing.
Which one of the following options is correct ? [NEET 2016]
(1) Both (a) and (b) are false
(2) Both (a) and (b) are correct
(3) (b) is true but (a) is false
(4) (a) is true but (b) is false.
23. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible for
extracting energy from carbohydrates to form ATP? [NEET 2217]
(1) Lysosome (2) Ribosome
(3) Chloroplast (4) Mitochondrion
24. Select the mismatch [NEET 2016]
(1) Gas vacuoles- Green bacteria
(2) Large central vacuoles- Animal cells
(3) Protists- Eukaryotes
(4) Methanogens- Prokaryotes
25. A cell organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes is [NEET 2016]
(1) Lysosome (2) Microsome
(3) Ribosome (4) Mesosome
26. Which of the following components provides sticky character to the bacterial cell? [NEET 2017]
(1) Cell wall (2) Nuclear membrane
(3) Plasma membrane (4) Glycocalyx
27. Which one of the following cell organelles is enclosed by a single membrane? [NEET 2016]
(1) Nuclei (2) Mitochondria
(3) Chloroplasts (4) Lysosomes
28. Microtubules are the constituents of [NEET 2016]
(1) Centrosome, Nucleosome and Centrioles
(2) Cilia, Flagella and Peroxisomes
(3) Spindle fibres, Centrioles and cilia
(4) Centrioles, Spindle fibres and Chromatin.
29. The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by
(1) Mitochondria (2) Vacuoles
(3) Plastids (4) Ribosomes
30. Golgi complex plays a major role [NEET 2013]
(1) In digesting proteins and carbohydrates
(2) As energy transferring organelles
(3) In post translational modification of proteins and glycosidation of lipids.
(4) In trapping the light and transforming it into chemical energy
31. A major site for synthesis of lipids is [NEET 2013]
(1) SER (2) Symplast
(3) Nucleoplasm (4) RER
32. Which of the following organisms is not an example of eukaryotic cells?
(1) Amoeba proteus (2) Paramoecium caudatum
(3) Escherichia coli (4) Euglena viridis
33. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is
(1) Linear DNA without histones
(2) Circular DNA without histones
(3) Linear DNA with histones
(4) Circular DNA with histones
34. The prokaryotic flagella possess
(1) Helically arranged protein molecule
(2) “9+2” membrane enclosed structure
(3) Unit membrane enclosed fibre
(4) Protein membrane enclosed fibre
35. Algae have cell wall made up of
(1) Cellulose, hemicellulose and pectins
(2) cellulose, galactans and mannans
(3) Hemicellulose, pectins and proteins
(4) Pectins, cellulose and proteins
36. The site of respiration in bacteria is
(1) Ribosome (2) Microsome
(3) Episome (4) Mesosome
37. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cells are because of the presence of
(1) Mitochondria associated with ER
(2) Ribosomes on the surface of ER
(3) Volutin granules on the surface of ER
(4) Sulphur granules on the surface of ER.
38. Which one of the following structure between two adjacent cells is an effective transport pathway?
(1) Plasmalemma (2) plasmodesmata
(3) Plastoquinones (4) Endoplasmic reticulum
39. Which one of the following statements about cytochrome P450 is wrong?
(1) It is a coloured cell
(2) It is an enzyme involved in oxidation reactions
(3) It has an important role in metabolism
(4) It contains iron
40. The golgi apparatus
(1) Is found only in animals
(2) Is found in prokaryotes
(3) Is a site of rapid ATP production
(4) Modifies and packages proteins
41. Lysosomes are rich in
(1) Nucleic acids (2) Hydrolytic enzymes
(3) Carbohydrates (4) Hormones
42. Which of the following organelles is located near the nucleus and contains a collection of flattened membrane bound cisternae?
(1) Nucleolus (2) Mitochondrion
(3) Centriole (4) Golgi apparatus
43. Heterophagosomes are
(1) Primary lysosomes (2) Secondary lysosomes
(3) Autophagic vacuole (4) Tertiary lysosomes
44. Which of the following organelles contain enzymes that have digestive action?
(1) Ribosomes (2) Polysomes
(3) plastids (4) Lysosomes
45. Elaioplasts store
(1) Starch (2) Proteins
(3) Fats (4) Essential amino acids
46. In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the
(1) Outer membrane (2) Inner membrane
(3) Thylakoods (4) Stroma
47. Extranuclear DNA is found in
(1) Lysosome and chloroplast
(2) Chloroplast and mitochondria
(3) Mitochondria and lysosome
(4) golgi and E.R
48. Microtubule is involved in the
(1) Muscle contraction (2) Membrane architecture
(3) Cell division (4) DNA recognition
49. The proteins are synthesized at
(1) Centrosomes (2) Golgi bodies
(3) Ribosomes (4) Mitochondria
50. Microtubules are absent in
(1) Mitochondria (2) Flagella
(3) Spindle fibres (4) Centrioles.
1. (1) 2. (2) 3.(1) 4. (4) 5. (2) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (2) 9. (3) 10. (4)
11. (3) 12. (4) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (1) 16. (3) 17. (1) 18. (2) 19. (3) 20. (2)
21. (1) 22. (4) 23. (4) 24. (2) 25. (1) 26. (4) 27. (4) 28. (3) 29. (2) 30. (3)
31. (1) 32. (3) 33. (2) 34. (1) 35. (2) 36. (4) 37. (2) 38. (2) 39. (1) 40. (4)
41. (2) 42. (4) 43. (2) 44. (4) 45. (3) 46. (3) 47. (2) 48. (3) 49. (3) 50. (1)